The morning begins with me trying to feed a sick toddler who just won't eat anything that I make, so now the kitchen is a mess with a bunch of food that will now have to be leftovers. No milk for this kid when he is sick ever again, which is unfortunate because it's the only thing he wants… he threw it up all over my shirt and his sleeper :( Epic failure of logic on my part, DON'T GIVE A SICK KID DAIRY…..EVER!
I than rushed him to the bathtub, were I begin to strip his sleeper off and my shirt off. I decide I will bath later, when I'm alone and it's quiet…might even get a nap in the bath too.
For 2.3 seconds he is happy in the bath, playing with his toys and dumping quarts of water over onto the bathroom floor…great, I will clean that up later too.
About .5 seconds after this last picture is taken, we have a meltdown unlike any we have ever had before. As he is kicking, screaming, and using his body weight to lay on the bathroom floor, I grab him and put a towel around his body. Got suckered punch right to the nose….now I'm crying. I finally get him back into some comfy clothes for the rest of the day of hibernation.
NO NAP NINJA and I laid on the couch for the next few all day hours, watching 101 Dalmatians for the hundredth time while Chrispy yelled at the television, "Tiiiitus" because that is what he calls all dogs now (our oldest dogs name is Titus). As I see the clock finally reaching the hour of 5 I realize I have to get up and start making dinner because Dada will be home any minute.
I am browning some meat to make spaghetti, my go-to dish when I have no time, as Chrispy is climbing and holding onto my leg for dear life crying and throwing punches into my leg. HELP ME GOD! The door opens and a miracle happens, Dada is finally home!
Chrispy runs down the hallway like he is an Olympic runner and grabs onto Dada while I am holding onto the spatula like its a deadly weapon if anyone comes near me and asks me when dinner will be done. They eat. I sleep. As I walk back into the kitchen, Dada has been so kind as to give my Chrispy a cream donut and some milk. Another epic failure about two seconds later as everything that he just ate is now on the kitchen table, his front shirt, and floor…way to go honey!
After another bath, new sleeper, and some Dada snuggling, comes playtime. Godzilla style of course with a new dose of Motrin for the little guy and Mama. Chrispy was even kind enough to give Godzilla some medicine too.
By bed time, little man was tucked into bed, Mama finally got in a bath and than proceeded to jump straight into bed as well. The Bachelor came on which is always entertaining to watch idiots on TV "fall in love" in a matter of weeks of seeing each other a total for 4 hours the whole time! But hey, that's love right? Bed time.
Have a Happier Day than me Y'all!