No, but seriously, where the hell have I been?! Yeah, I know, I kinda dropped the ball on having a "blog" and all but seriously, the Hubby came home from deployment and I swear when this happens, the life you once had full of "spare time" turns into no time for anything. Also, what most people don't talk about on TV or what many spouses don't talk about (still don't know why) is how it is difficult/time consuming task for the deployed member to transition, and for you to transition as well. Like seriously honey, the dirty laundry does go in that laundry basket…that's why we bought it in the first place…remember?! Oh wait, that's everyday life, but you get the idea, it's hard for two people that have been living apart for months and months, sometimes years, to get back in the groove of having to share your time/space/breathing air again and it can take awhile, even when you dearly love each other.
So, the Hubby coming home was obviously the most exciting thing that happened to us in 2015! Chrispy and I couldn't be more thrilled at his arrival, even though I'm pretty sure he had no idea what was going on the day we went to the airport to pick him up. Either way, having Hubby home is the amazing and we will cherish him here and of course try to live everyday as normal of a family as possible until he has to venture off again, darn military!
His homecoming was magical, and yes, I cried, but only for a second and I am going to be honest, besides how happy I was to see him I was more tearful because I didn't have to "parent" alone anymore…now I get to "parent" and take breaks! Yay baby!
We stood in the airport with little flags and a sign and of course, many people staring us down, some already crying for us knowing that we were waiting for a man in uniform to appear and change our lives. Friends, USO staff, and some other military guys showed up all behind us waiting to see the Hubby also. When he finally came walking out I smiled, pointed and told Chrispy "to look, there's Dada" and he flew out of my arms and went running full speed ahead. It seems like it only was seconds for the hours of preparation of what I was going say and wear. I was of course two seconds behind Chrispy to get my bear hug and kiss, something I truly had been missing for months, human contact.

After hello's and congrats and about 10,000 pounds of equipment we were on our way home, to be a family again. Words still do not ever describe the depths of emotions that take place when you see your loved one after such a long absence apart. The fear, excitement, joy, love, and anticipation of it all is almost too much to bare. As hard as it is to be apart, I have never regretted my choice to be a military spouse because I know it is for a cause higher than myself but for the freedom of our country, so…your welcome :)
See what else has been going this past year in posts to follow…..
Happy Monday Y'all!