Weekend Recap

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Holy Weekend!!! So this weekend was packed with lots of shopping, eating, girl time, and cleaning. I went with my dear friend Deborah and her new baby boy, Asher, to Ikea on Saturday. So weekends in Japan are just crazy. Normally any store is so packed with people that you would think you were at Disney World on a holiday…no joke. Ikea is about 2 hours away from where we live so we loaded up the car and drove off, with only one baby in tow….which made things a lot easier!! It was the first time I've really ever been away from Chrispy the whole day, and it was so hard. At one point I kept saying how I was a bad mom for not being home with him, even though I'm with him everyday.

So after back-to-back traffic for like EVER!!! We finally made it, and we were starving. First stop, change the baby, feed him, and go eat at some Ikea Swedish meatballs. We managed to do all of that in about 45 minutes, which is fast considering there was extremely long lines for food, finding a place to sit and eat, and make sure a little man was happy too. We got down to the marketplace and I found myself in heaven once again with all the amazing NEW Ikea stuff. I wanted to throw everything in my cart. I almost did too, but self control and limited space at home kept me at bay. That of course doesn't mean I held back either ;)

That is both Deborah and my stuff. As you can see, there is also a second cart that would have been loaded with some actual furniture that I wanted to buy, but they were out of stock….made me so upset. Guess that means another trip will have to take place ;)

I also fell head over heels for this black velvet couch.

The sticker price was perfect, only $700! But this couch of course would never work in my house, why you ask? Because I have two Siberian huskies that shed like all day long…everyday, a son who thinks the couch is a coffee table right now, and a hubby….that is sometimes worse than the son. Poor me :( So I had to say goodbye to this beauty and dream for a day I can have a place to put a beau like this…maybe in a gray velvet.

After checking out, which is a shit show if I ever saw one, we finally were done shopping….at least at Ikea. We headed off to the car to load up and get out so we could go to this great mall down the street that had a Old Navy, Forever 21, H&M, and a Auntie Anne's. I was in heaven!!!!!

Can you tell we are the Americans parked here? In Japan, everyone parks front out….not us :)

After hours of shopping, stuffing our faces with food we don't normally get our hands on, I was done. We got home, after hours of more back-to-back traffic and a private singing session in the car, at around 9:30, at night!!! Oops! At least it was a full day of fun.

On top of a great weekend, I also happened to get a little package of happiness in the mail!!

This little gem is perfect. It is delicate, rose gold, and has my hubby and my initials on it. It is a great layering necklace! Now I need to get one with my son's initials….just can't decide what kind of necklace I want. Cute ideas anyone?

Now I leave you with a few pictures I found the other day on my roll on the camera. Seriously, I have issues and completely forgot I took these pictures. It was right before I left the house to go see the Backstreet Boys in concert.

I was some kind of excited….the last picture is a face I make way too much in photos!

Have a good day Y'all!!!

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