So a few weeks ago I made plans and traveled to Washington D.C. to visit some friends that I met in Japan…all Americans. Yep, so confusing but we were all stationed at Yokota Air Base in Japan and became friends and they all managed to get stationed in DC…within minutes of each other, which made me so happy. Just the thought that I was going to be seeing these beautiful women made my heart sing, especially since the hubby is deployed.
I figured the trip was going to be crazy long with tons of stops because of Mr. Chrispy but apparently someone was on my side because we managed to get there from Ohio in about 7 hours. My trick to this amazing trip, keeping Chrispy up the night before till about 10:30, packed the car the night before, and left the house at about 6:30 to make some distance. It all payed off!! Chrispy slept almost the entire ride to DC! Amazing!!
Seeing my girlfriend Deborah for the first time in months, almost a year, since our parting in Japan was almost surreal….like nothing had happened during our time apart and we picked up exactly where we left it!!! I love this girl!! We are pretty much like peas and carrots if Forrest was to describe us (yes, a Forrest Gump reference).
After arriving at her place and getting the grand tour of a beautiful old townhouse in Old Town Alexandria we got dressed and ready for dinner with two of my other amazing girlfriends living there too!! It was like Christmas!! As soon as I spotted some beautiful blond hair and the most beautiful pregnant woman you have ever seen, I pretty much jumped out of my chair to greet them at the door…oh how I miss my ladies!

After closing down the restaurant and eating some of the most delicious food, which I was so upset about at that moment…I couldn't finish my meal because I have the stomach of a small infant (insert longing to want dessert but can never even get a bite down :( ) we said our goodbye's and made plans for a visit the next day. Deborah and I decided to take advantage of the fact that we were childless and didn't have to pay a sitter to walk the streets and look at all the amazing old houses that make Old Town. I could have flown over the moon with my excitement at all the history that filled these streets….if only I were a millionaire.
The week played out like this, babies, food, cleaning, wine, babies, food, go shopping, food again, and cleaning, and I enjoyed every minute of it! Oh, and we all managed to get sick together at some fact, I somehow managed to overdose a little on Municex (didn't know that could be done) because I forgot to read the instructions on weight and dosage, my bad. We did manage to go see a few sites with the babies but I will say, having a two year old that is always on the run is not exactly idea for DC and the flowing of traffic and people. Just stopping into a few places to visit was more than enough and to be honest, Chrispy wasn't really interested in it yet. Maybe by the time the hubby gets back we can go as a trio…making it a little easier on Momma ;)
The theme song of this trip for sure was "All About that Bass" since neither one of us could care how many calories we were consuming and just ate to our hearts desire, after all "boys like a little more booty to hold at night" ;)
Yes, a man playing his violin during lunch hour in downtown DC!
Food Trucks!!! I love Food Trucks!!
After a week of running around the city just to be home by 2 every afternoon for naps had us worn out, but just being near to close friends was enough to fill me with energy again. I honestly couldn't have taken this trip at a better time because I was just starting to get that feeling of loneliness without the hubby.
As for the drive home…well, it was way different coming then going. First off, Chrispy about lost his mind just in the first hour on the road and we had to pull over just an hour into our drive. After eating breakfast and doing some necessary running around at McDonald's, we were back on the road for just a three hours before I literally almost ran out of gas and was holding my breath for miles before I saw the next gas station. Oops!!! Next time I will remember to look down at the gas range every once in awhile on trips. An hour to stop and eat lunch and do another lap around a restaurant for people to make judgmental looks at me as if I'm the worst parent ever…whatever! Seriously, when did "back seat parenting" become appropriate? My kid is two, a boy, and has energy pumping through his veins like a Monster Truck reviving up it's engine…DEAL WITH IT!!

Back on the road again and as I prayed for a solid hour for Chrispy to take a nap he decided to scream at me from the back seat…so I turned the music up louder,.."DEAR SWEET BABY JESUS, GET US HOME IN ONE PIECE AND DO NOT LET ME HURT MY CHILD"…(my thoughts).
When we finally pulled into our neighborhood I thought tears were going to bust out of my eyes for I could not wait to jump out of the car! Thankfully, it was the late afternoon and all the neighborhood kids were out playing..perfect…Chrispy got to play and I got to unload the car and love on the boys…a win win if you ask me. After a quick dinner and some unpacking, we were both in bed by 8:30, I would say a vacation well done. Already making plans to go back and my dear friends are already talking a little mini vacation to Pittsburgh (it's half way between our homes).
Even though traveling with a toddler is super hard I feel as a single parent right now I do feel like it is always worth it in the end. Next month we fly to New Mexico for a wedding…I can't even begin to tell you how nervous I am to go it alone with a rambunctious toddler on my hands, and luggage, and a carseat…Pray For Me!!
Have a Happy Day Y'all! :)