A Sweet Treat

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

As Halloween is making its grand appearance in a few days I found myself completely in love with the holiday festivities and how amazing it must be to be child and do all the fun activities and traditions that go along with each passing holiday. I, myself, in way am envious of this exciting time in a child's eyes since I never got to celebrate holidays as a child, raised as Jehovah's Witness (not anymore), so I am just as excited if not more excited to be participating in all things holiday. I may not have childhood memories of me painting/craving a pumpkin, getting dressed up in some costume, and knocking on complete strangers door to receive candy but my son sure will, and I will get to be right beside him enjoying it all!

To be honest this is something I've been looking forward to since I knew I was pregnant and it is a fun time and well needed for both Chrispy and I. To say he hasn't been well behaved would be an understand of the century! I never realized how hard a deployment was going to be on him and the hubby not being here sure has put a little gray in our clear sky's. I do try my best to be both Momma and Dada but let's face it, a boy needs his Dada around to toss him, rough house, and at times to have a Nerf gun fight in the living room. Halloween has been something that has kept both Mr. Chrispy and my mind occupied and has helped the time go by. So even if I don't get to stuff my face with as much candy as Chrispy, though I have already eaten an entire bag of cow tales :), at least knowing that Chrispy is having fun is enough of a sweet treat for me.

We have so many more happy moments than sad but when the sad hits, it's pretty rough. Me holding onto Chrispy as he has a full on tantrum trying to soothe him while holding back tears and really just wanting to run away myself. He doesn't understand and I can't make him, not yet, he is just too young to understand the meaning of sacrifice and honor, that will just come later. Days that we are just gliding through till the next meal are the hard one's with no real purpose in-between, so we try to make the most of that time by pumpkin painting to baking dog biscuits. I always try to remember that I am all he has right now so I need to understand his needs and to do my best not to lose my cool when it feels like that is all I can do.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Happy Halloween!! And now I leave you with a link to a tutorial on how to paint a pumpkin by Mr. Chrispy himself! :)

Happy Halloween Y'all! :)

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