So this past weekend one of my sister-in-law's was getting married so Chrispy and I decided we needed to go for a visit since it was long over due and this would be the perfect time, because everyone would be there! Yes, we used a wedding as an excuse for a little family reunion but the hubby's family is from New Mexico and if you have ever been, you know it takes forever to get around places, and everyone just happens to be so far spread out that we usually end up being the car for hours at a time just to make a quick 30 minute stop at someones house. This time, everyone would be in the same town at the same time, New Mexico problem solved!! :) We were so fortunate to stay with my brother-in-law and his family which turned out to be perfect since Chrispy and his cousin are only 10 months apart in age, making our crazy Momma schedules work.
Chrispy was actually amazing on the the flights to New Mexico…for him. I was a little pissed off at American Airlines, first time we ever traveled with them, because on the website they said a car seat would fit fine in the seats and when I got there the airport employees wouldn't even let me try it out to see if it would fit, they just really didn't want to do more work in their day job than they had too :( Major problem for them not me, since Chrispy is a very "spirited" little boy that would run laps on the plane. I managed to keep him entertained with movies, cars, snacks, crazy faces, and finally, ordering him coke from the flight attendant (not one of my proudest moments). At one time the flight attendant asked me to ask my son to sit in his seat and put on his seat belt,….I laughed so hard that I was crying. I replied with a simple, "why don't you reason with a two year old and tell me how that goes", she didn't ask for anything from me for the rest of the flight :)
From the moment we landed to the time we took off, it was like a marathon of gathering, playing, and getting ready for a weekend of wedding activities. Not only was it nice to see family but for the male attention that Chrispy has desperately been craving. His Uncle Jon-Jon fit that bill and had two little boys chasing him around the whole weekend :)

Chrispy got some serious loving from family and this was such a nice break for me since the hubby has been gone. I actually got to enjoy a dinner without scarfing it down or eating it cold!!! Amazing!! Did you know when your food is served to you at a restaurant, it comes hot? I know, this is CRAZY!!! :)
On top of the family time, I got to spend the weekend with this guy! OMG! I could eat him alive,…if he ever let anyone hold him! What a stinker! You wait Mr. Jude, I'm coming for you next time :)
With so many sets of grandparents in town for the wedding, my sister-in-law, her Momma, and me got to get away for some much needed girl time and pampering. We started at a Parisian restaurant enjoying all the magic of delicious food and ended with a mani/pedi date…I was so happy!!!
We also managed to squeeze in a fun night out dancing and drinking with some of my favorite people ever!! Lots of love going on here.
The last night there was bitter sweet. I mean, looking at this picture, all the these boys are sooo related!! Just wish the hubby could have been here to contribute to all the "crazy" that went down :(

The plane ride home for us was so different!! Not only was Chrispy Satan's helper, he also threw a total of 20 tantrums, had a blowout, hit me in the face twice (in public), dumped water on me, and called me Mom! We were also delayed for our last plane by 3 hours, at which time I had to somehow get him to take a nap…Ergo it was even though my back killed me and I couldn't move for about 3 hours!

The last few days after a trip we are usually pretty tired and worn out, plus I'm usually trying to catch up on the little things that got left. I also just started Christmas shopping and really have no clue what to get the little man. I ran across this awesome Mini Cooper for him at HomeGoods, but decided that since he already has two vehicles he probably doesn't need a third, right?
I also got the lovely opportunity to fix a dryer. Yep, a dryer. My dryer stopped blowing heat so off to You Tube to figure out what to do and after the better part of a day of gathering parts and watching tutorials, I finally got that baby warming up!! Just call Mrs. Mechanic :)
What I'm most excited about these days is that we get to slow down a little with all the holidays coming up. Though we have a few holiday parties to hit up, we aren't traveling now which gives me a sense of relief since this Momma is so tired of traveling with a toddler on my own. It's totally doable, just hard. So these awesome pancake shapers I found at the Goodwill really made me so happy to know I will be able to use them all season long! Aren't they the cutest things ever?! I got them for a whooping $.79 together!
I also managed to get some decor out on the table…but Chrispy was quick to "dine" at it :)
(The way Apollo is eyeballing that burger you would think I never feed them!)
And I've gotten a new piece of furniture to work on but still really undecided on what direction to go. I am really thinking between a mint green or a coral for a little girl's room, any thoughts?
In all, after having lots of fun traveling we are so happy to be home and getting back into our little routine. I'm sure not before long I will get my "itch" and have to venture somewhere else but for now we are enjoying the home life.
I hope everyone's holiday season is going wonderful with plenty of family time and fun.
And now I leave you with the saddest/meanest face ever of a little boy not getting any Coke from his Uncle Jon-Jon, which I would later find out that he was sneaking him some the whole weekend! All I have to say is karma is a bitch Jon ;)
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