Where the F(th) Have you Been?!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Yes, I've been a little MIA lately and to say I'm sorry would be an understatement. I've been living life. If you follow me on Facebook you already know that we were hit hard in the house with sickness. First it was a cold for the Chrisper and I, which turned into something viral that hit our tummies hard, and finally, a case of the Strep for the little man that had me in tears in a Emergency Room and him completely lethargic and unresponsive. To say this Momma has been hit hard would be a complete lie, we have been at war for weeks taking massive blows left and right but are finally seeing the horizon beyond the smoke. Also, he has been stuck with me for weeks on end so I haven't had time to blog ;)

Today was a different day, he finally went back to school, something I think he was more excited about than me. I had grown really attached to our "being together all the time" since Dada had deployed so it was a bittersweet moment. Once he was dropped off I found myself trying to decide what to do and wasted a valuable, and expensive, 10 minutes sitting in the school parking lot. Instead of going to the gym, my would be normal, I decided to wonder off to my favorite thrift store to check out the furniture, not because I need a new piece, but because I need to create, make, and rebuild. Something in my very nature that always has me pushing myself and moving. As I roamed the aisles looking for inspiration I came across yet another french cane chair, I swear these chairs just leap into my cart at this point, knowing I would give them a fresh shot at life before they are thrown in the trash.


Guess the excitement of creating got the best of me and I managed to finish a project in just an hour, which I could say is a new record for a chair but honestly, I was hoping it would take a little longer. But I'm still very happy with the sweet little result and have already had interest. To say my dreams of one day opening a shop/cafe/children's boutique are always on my mind but with the military beckoning us every few years to pack up our belongings and move to a new location, those dreams have to be put on sidelines. Maybe I will get the nerve to open up my own Etsy shop. Lets just say, I'm a super strong and confidante woman, but when it comes to my own creations, I get a little overwhelmed with the thought that no one would like my stuff or even want to buy. Once that hurdle is concurred I will get busy..till then, Happy Tuesday Y'all! :)

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