In all, I'm doing really well. I don't take any medications and just remember not to exceed in activity that could cause damage to the healing process. I can pick up Chrispy pretty well now so that was a major on my check list. I mean, do they know how hard it is to Not pick up your child when they are begging you too?!!! I can drive, Thank God!!! I couldn't get out of the house quick enough when 2 weeks were up! I'm still not allowed to workout :( Which means I have to feel like total crap and really going stir crazy thinking about it. I can go on walks but no running, I can do some ab workouts but not all. It's just a little frustrating. What's worse is my hubby always seems to know when I'm trying to do something I shouldn't and comes walking in saying "You shouldn't be doing that, stop" in the nicest way he knows how.
The hardest part now is just my limitations until I'm given the "all clear" by my doc. I have switched out to normal bras, aka soft cup bras and few under wire that don't hurt me. It was getting a little hard to find things to wear with the surgical bra they put on you and I found lots of research that said it was okay to move onto other bras as long as they were well fitted and didn't cause any irritation. I am also allowed to wear a bathing suit!!! Swimming is allowed now as long as they are in short sessions at a time as to not irritate the incisions.
(Please excuse the no makeup, wet hair, boney ribs (I've always been boney) haven't worked out in like 4 weeks (muscle is now sad :( look)
In all, it's all going pretty well. I have recently been asked a bunch of questions concerning the surgery that I just wanted to address. The cost varies depending on the doctor you see. Mine was completely covered through insurance, but from my understanding the average can range from $5,000-7,000. The average time period of healing is 6 weeks if all is well. Many return back to work after just a week of rest and recovery but still limit their physical activity until there are considered healed. There will be scars for awhile, but if you care for your scars and use the creams and silicone sheets (at your own purchase) they should disappear almost completely (depending on your skin type). Also, I was told since my nipples were not removed but repositioned and because I was such an over producer before, breastfeeding would more than likely be an option for me if I were to get pregnant again. For those that are done having children, this is right up your alley but if you are still wanting to have children, I would put this on the back burner if you are adamant about breastfeeding.
To end this post I leave with pictures of a really cute
Funniest picture of the day! I told Chrispy it was time to do our ab's and he started on his crunches without me…LOOK AT THOSE AB'S!!!
Have a Happy Day Y'all! :)