My Time With You

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I can honestly say that my days sometime feel endless, as if I'm not being useful because I'm not at a job or in the workforce helping shape our world. Sometimes I feel I've lost my place on the original path I intended to take and wonder if I'll ever make it back to the "standard" of today's world of working mother's. And to be perfectly fair, I do miss going to work everyday and getting that feeling of accomplishment. But it's days like today that I remember what my purpose is right now. It's to be your mother, a job that is more important to me than any in the world. I am so lucky to have this time and the resources to stay at home with you everyday and play, teach, and learn with you.

One day, when you are a few years older I will return to the "standard" of working and making a contribution with income but for now my contribution will to be raising my sweet boy. He is a gift that I could never had been more grateful for, and for that I take my job very seriously as a Momma. It's not everyday that I remember this amazing gift I've been given because much like other's that have a 9 to 5 job, this is work. The hardest job I've ever had. I have never worried so much over the smallest details of life that I'm trying to set a path for, and this time, it's for my son.

My employment as a Momma will always be my favorite job titles I will ever hold. Thank you Chrispy for being my sweet boy.

Have a Great Weekend!!! :)

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