Recovery, Day 4

Sunday, June 8, 2014

So it's been 4 days since I had my breast lift and reduction and I can honestly say it hasn't been that bad so far. The first day was the worst simply because you are still waking up from the drugs used to relax you and knock you out for the surgery. After waking up from the surgery I felt very tired and nauseous due to the medicine but I luckily didn't get sick. After the hubby was able to come in a sit with me to help me wake up, the nurse came in to let me know I couldn't leave the hospital until I peed and ate something to know that I was okay. So there I was, all bandaged up and trying to move my arms to the strawberry jello they gave me but because of the layers of guaze surrounding my chest it looked like T Rex trying to fight…pretty hilarious looking back at it.

Walking after surgery was difficult at first so a nurse helped me around. I was finally released from the hospital and was wheel chaired out to the front of the hospital were the hubby had the car waiting and ready for me to jump in. I must say, the most annoying part of leaving the hospital was the rubbernecking happening in the front of the hospital where people are waiting for their prescriptions to be filled. I even got mad at one of the men who was just starting directly at me since I entered the room and I asked if he "watched much" which made him turn away really quickly. I just can't stand that and coming from a part of the south that really emphasis's on manners takes my anger to a whole new level. Like, didn't your Momma teach you not to stare?! :(

It was a quick drive home in which the hubby spoke to me the whole time to keep me awake so he could get me in the house easily. After I was gently placed in bed, given some yummy pain meds, and a big bottle of water, I was out like a light and didn't wake up until later that night for dinner. I honestly can remember everything up the moment they told me to "breath in"in the operating room which makes me feel better for some reason.

Now on Day 4 of the recovery I have been able to walk around the house to avoid blood clots in my legs and I have gotten to SHOWER!!! Holy Mother of Showers!!! I was so happy to be nice and clean and the best part is I was able to do it by myself. The hubby hung out in the bedroom just in case I needed him to come help. I still can't pick up anything heavy, like Chrispy :(, and I can't drive anywhere. I am still on pain meds but try to use them sparingly because they make me fall asleep and I hate spending the whole day in bed, it becomes boring really quick, especially when you see your hubby and baby playing outside and all you want to do is be with them.

On a side note, I thought I was going to really freak out about the incisions being that online they look totally scary to me, but after seeing them in person, they really aren't that bad and from what I have read and heard from the doctors, in a year you won't even know I had anything done if I care for the scars properly. Right now I'm still taking it easy as to not pop a stitch and just enjoying this opportunity I have to watch a ton of movies and be waited on my the hubby. The hubby has been amazing so far taking care of Chrispy and me and the chores around the house.

In all, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am so pleased with the size and results so far that I can't wait to be all healed and go bra shopping! That was actually the first thing my hubby brought up, that after I'm healed I get to go on a sexy bra shopping spree!!! Yes!!!

Things that have saved my life these past four days in recovery:

The Marius stool from Ikea has been my best friend in the shower. We actually already owned two of these for outside and around the house for extra seating. I was able to sit while I'm bathing and reach my whole body without putting strain on my stitches. I was even able to shave my legs with this guy!

The Boppy pillow, which is supposed to be for nursing mothers, has actually been awesome for me to rest my arms on as well as magazines as to not strain myself once again. It is also great if used like a traveling pillow in bed if you want to keep you head elevated to change up the position you get to sleep in after the surgery, which is always on your back, no side or front, just back!!!

This is the soap I'm using now since its best to use soaps and cleansers that have  no dye or fragrances in them as they could irritate the incisions.

And to add to the list:
water, lots of water, with a straw
comfy clothes, (you ain't going anywhere anyway)
compression bra, the hospital will give you one to go home in, but having a second is great so you can wash one and not have to go bra less, which you are not supposed to do.
lots of smaller meals that are easier to digest, like soup and crackers, something simple and easy
lots of movies and magazines to help you pass the time

Every week there will be different steps I will  be doing for recovery but this week is it just essentially relaxing and let my body adjust.

Thank you to everyone that prayed for me and my family. And thank you to those who privately messaged me or emailed me telling me your story and how you have had the same procedure and the obstacles of healing. Reading the messages honestly made me feel better knowing others have done the same thing and none whom I've spoken to have regretted it, which made me feel a thousand times better. I can honestly say that the moment I woke up until now I can feel a major difference in my back, neck, and shoulders and my posture has improved to a point that my hubby even pointed it out. 

Have a Happy Day Y'all! :)

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