So today I decided I just couldn't do all bananas with milk and wonder soup...go figure. I just can't live without a good source of protein while working out. Last night I added some leftover shredded beef to my salad of nothing but veggies and a light spicy mustard dressing that had pretty much no calories. It was delicious and filling and when I went for my run last night I felt like I had energy and wasn't feeling light headed like the past few days. So basically, I'm skipping over day 4 and going straight to days 5-7 where I eat tons of protein and veggies....smartest choice ever. I still have lost 5 lbs. total since starting this cleanse, even with the variation in the diet meal plan, I feel great. The idea I think behind this is to just cut out the crap and get back to the basics of eating. Meat, fruit, veggies, and water....nothing processed or filled with butter and oil. I get it!
On other news, the day has turned out to be a crap storm with rain coming and gray skies, but no real wind yet so maybe we have lucked out, for once, and the Typhoon will pass us by. One can only hope. Rain seriously puts a damper on my weekend plans and no one likes a toddler that has been cooped up in the house because of rain. We even make trips to a store so Chrispy can run up and down the aisles to burn off that crazy energy he has.

For example, I met with my hubby and friend Deborah for lunch yesterday at Chili's. Poor guy had too much energy from being stuck in the house all morning, so my hubby took him outside to play in the grass and rocks before we ate, (Father of the Year). I got some great pictures of this little guy just playing with the rocks and pressing his face up to the glass....seriously, how cute is he?!! :) Of course, as soon as I put the camera down, Chrispy goes running towards oncoming traffic....great, how do I break him of that little habit?
Later that day the cutest card probably ever made came in the mail.
It is just adorable!!! Love all the packaging too! Yes, I'm one of those girls that will buy something just because it is packaged so darn cute...but seriously, love this print! And since I wasn't going to be sending this baby off to nobody, MINE!, I decided to pop it into this cute Ikea frame and make my television stand even more festive! I LOVE PRINT ART!!! Such a easy and inexpensive way to decorate. Looking for some really cute prints for Chripy's bathroom....something maybe in navy and white.
Is everyone ready for Halloween, because I'm not for sure! I still have to find green aprons to complete our family look and a babysitter for a Adult Halloween party I'm supposed to be going to this weekend.....babysitters, seriously, I need one just to live with me!
Happy Thursday Y'all!
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