Friday, October 4, 2013

Saturday mornings, love them, it's the first time all week I get the chance to sleep in a little as the hubby is home on weekends (most of the time) to get the little man up and feed. Those few extra z's really can make a world of difference, as if nothing bad or crazy happened all week, (like your baby never took  his shitty dirty diaper off in his crib and than proceeded to spread it all over his crib, like a painting). :(

This morning was a little harder than most to get up since I was out all night, aka...till midnight which is now late for me since having a toddler, with some girlfriends drinking some beers and singing at our favorite karaoke bar. I managed to pull my hungover ass (which is no longer fun when you have responsibilities)  out of bed and slowly moved downstairs to the couch where I stayed for a good full hour before moving again. During this time, my hubby decided that Christian and him should join me in the living room for breakfast, so Chrispy got to watch some cartoons this morning while eating.

He thought it was the funniest thing ever! (Please disregard my dirty house)

As it would turn out all I needed was some delicious coffee (Kona Vanilla Macadam Nut Coffee) to wake me up. Yummy!!! Since it is still raining in the Land of the Rising Sun, lots of snuggling on the couch and movies will take hold of our weekend plans it seems. Had planned to paint a pedestal table I have had for months now but the rain will not do...unless hubby lets me drag it into the kitchen for a paint job ;)

On a side note, I have really never let Chrispy play with my IPad before simply because he was too young anyways and I really would love for it not to get broken (hubby would never buy me another) so I thought this was hilarious this morning when Chrispy was playing with the IPad for the first time .

He thought it was pretty hilarious as well! :) Now, I just need to figure what apps I should download for him....any suggestions for a 14 month old?

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