I also managed to finish my step stool from Ikea and fold all the laundry from a Plato's Closet run I happened to have yesterday. Yep, I love prints, and all these beautiful shirts and romper cost me $20! That's a deal! It's amazing what I can accomplish in the morning hours when no one is bothering me :)
After much needed naps from going to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and playtime at the mall playroom, we were wiped out! Crazy how chasing a little boy around can tire you out so quickly. We all took 3 hour naps today! I was impressed but felt like I had a million things to do after my much needed catnap. Hubby and Chrispy were outside working in the yard and it my chance to sneak out of the house and grab some stuff for dinner.
When I got home, they were both covered in dirt and sweat and having a blast, Boys! I love them. It was so much fun hanging out in the backyard today. The sun was shining…such a rare thing here lately and the weather was amazing, so we took full advantage of our surroundings. We planted corn so hopefully some stalks will be popping out soon for fresh corn all summer long. Trying to decide what else we will be planting for the summer, maybe some squash, tomatoes, and pumpkins? I always try to plant what we actually eat…duh! :)
Chrispy has also become the best help when it's time to water the plants and veggies. I always fill a pale up with some water and tell Chrispy it's time for the plants to eat and he immediately says "eeeaat"..which is precious..and than he pours the water in. I love it. I love that he talks to the them the whole time too. Such a green thumb already :)
It was dinner time and we were HUUNNNGGGERRY!!! We managed to cook up some ribs and corn on the cob on the grill tonight and eat outside…amazing! Chrispy couldn't even wait for us, he just dived right in..managed to polish 3 corn on the cobs tonight too. I can say that we have been blessed with a good eater, and the funny thing is that he really only likes healthy food, which is a plus.
Our day was amazing. Just being together, off the computers, and staying away from our phones was enough to make us so much more grateful for our life. We have it pretty good and we appreciate it all so much. I love my little family so much, they are what guide me and help me everyday be a better person.
I hope everyone was able to have a great Easter with your loved ones.
And now I leave you with a happy bunny, aka The Hubby! He was such a cute bunny when we were living in Turkey. :)

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