The Little Things

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This past weekend we couldn't have asked for better weather and spent as much time as we could outside enjoying the sun and warm breeze.

It's official, Christian is obsessed with corn on the cob. We have literally been buying packages of this stuff around the clock for him. He loves it with butter, salt, and pepper, and cooked on the grill. This is great, except for rainy days of course, because he is slowly moving away from what we thought were his favorites to sometimes not eating at all! I've been making all kinds of dishes lately to try them out on him and only a few have made the cut…so corn on the cob to the rescue it is :)

 As we were enjoying our day and getting ready for dinner, I got to take some quiet pictures of my little man…he loves cars so it was so precious to me to see him outside playing at the table by himself. He was just talking to them and saying all kinds of I don't know what and looking so big….when did my baby get so big?

I also managed to get some things done in his bedroom, like hang a tv and a painting I have been eyeballing forever waiting for the price to come down. Still waiting on a few things to come in the mail and at this rate he will be going to college before they get here! :(

My friend Hannah was so kind to lend me her Circuit one day to make shapes for a fun accent wall in Chrispy's room but I messed up every time and I all managed to get the whole day I had the darn machine was this cute little sign for his door. I'm just not meant to use a Circuit.

With all the sunny days we have been having with little rain storms in-between, my herbs and succulents have really started growing! Hopefully all the food I cook this summer will have tons of flavor from those yummy herbs!

Also, if you follow me on Instagram, I snagged a gorgeous three tiered glass and metal stand at a thrift store for $5. I don't know what it was used for in the past, obviously someone that didn't have kids to break it, but I decided it would look perfect to hold some pretty succulents. I just removed the glass, cleaned it, spray painted the metal stand Brass by Krylon and BAM!!! It's so fancy :)

 With all this crazy awesome weather, we have spent almost all the time we can outside, playing, and being together, which is always a nice time. I personally enjoy lazy weekends, not all the time, but these past few weeks have been just hard with tons of decision making on our part and the lazy time has given us a break from being the adults we have to be. Many changes might happen for us in the future soon so the less stress the better. On a side note, I might wear my hair in a high bun all summer long….it's just too easy!

Have a Happy Day Y'all! :)

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