Crate Magic

Thursday, December 4, 2014

So I absolutely adore old wood crates, you know, the kind that really nice grocery stores use or the ones from the past since cardboard boxes weren't invented yet! Today, people have so many ideas for them the possibilities are endless…just look at Pinterest and you will find so many great ideas! Oh, the love of I have for them, that rustic and classic look…and yes, this is me getting excited and swooning over a crate! I know…issues.

I picked up crate at Michael's for like $4 in October knowing I wanted to do something with it but never got around to actually doing anything…holidays and life always get in they way. Well, today, as I'm putting finishing touches on other projects that I'm currently working on I managed to finally get my crate painted and propped.

I simply whitewashed the natural raw wood and stenciled on a simple logo in Carbon by Behr. I love it! Seriously! And if you go to Michael's in the Martha Stewart section, she now makes vinyl stencils for reusing purposes. Unfortunately they only come in a few fonts, aren't very large, and are kinda pricey at $16.99 per font.

But, with having my own paint on hand the only costs were the crate at $4 and the stencil…a total of $20.99 before taxes. A pretty cheap cost for something I can use multiple ways around the house.

For now, it is doing a fabulous job as decor for my cute little trees by the front door :) I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! Oh, and the little colored light tree in the Terra-cotta planter was only 50 cents at the Goodwill! It was so cheap because the bottom stand that holds it up was missing, so I just stuck the end through a hole at the bottom of the planter and stuffed the sides with wrapping confetti left over from a present…DONE! LOVE IT!

Any cute little decor things you got going on? I really am hoping to finish off all my Christmas projects/presents soon so I can be done with the whole gift giving thing. It is easier to buy a person a gift but making it comes from such a different place :)



Happy Thursday Y'all!

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