New Year, New Resolutions

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I can't even believe its going to 2015 in a matter of hours! Where has the year gone? It just seems like yesterday I was getting off a plane from Japan and starting our next chapter in America!! My calendar for the new year has already started to fill up which goes to show how quickly time can really pass if you stay busy.

This year has been a mix between major highs and lows. Important things that have happened to me this past year was moving back to the states after years living abroad, moving to Ohio, Christian starting a part-time daycare, visiting family on both sides of the coast, my sister-in-law finally got hitched to the man she has been with for years, my brother-in-law will finally make his life official with my soon to be sister-in-law, my hubby finished his Master's degree, I started getting all my paperwork together to start my Master's degree, the hubby deployed, and most importantly, I lost the only man in my life that I have ever called Dad and compared all men to.

To start the new year off on the right foot I cleaned the house, restocked the fridge, and even got my hair "did"! By the way, I never get my hair done so this is a big deal y'all!

Chrispy and I also make it our duty to donate time to a local pet shop that allows you to play with the pups for "donations" so we played with a total of 20 puppies yesterday! But one little girl in particular caught my eye, but unfortunately my hubby was not down for adding another fur baby to the pack :(

Seriously, who could resist that beautiful face?! I need another girl in the house, I'm being overran with nothing but boys!

I'm sincerely looking forward to 2015! It's an opportunity to start new adventures and end old chapters. Most of my new resolutions this year consist of family and friends, and making more efforts to stay in touch with loved ones. And of course….maintaining my healthy diet and fitness routines ;)

Our plans for this evening are going to be filled with games, festive bubbly, gorgeous cocktail dresses, and plenty of sweets at a friends house. Hopefully we can manage to stay up till 12. Seriously, when did my life change from getting ready to go out to the hottest club to now playing board games in a friend's living room?! ;) At least some yummy macaroons are going to be involved!

I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years Eve!

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