Too Much and Never Enough Time

Saturday, September 27, 2014

So the last few weeks my world has been so full to the max that it seems I had to schedule things down to the hour to get everything done and make everyone happy….I'm exhausted!! First the best news, the hubby came home to visit us just for a short week before he left for his deployment. To say Chrispy and I were happy would be an understatement. I couldn't wait to wrap my arms around his neck and Chrispy reacted in a way I couldn't have been prepared for with a  two year old, he began crying as soon as he saw the hubby.

Chrispy spotted him before we even did and he leaped, literally, out of my arms and into a crowd of people coming the opposite direction crying with his arms out wide to make a landing right into his Dada's arms….my heart exploded into a million pieces…a moment that we really had been looking forward to.

After getting him home and rested for just one evening I was off to Indiana with my Momma who flew in from South Carolina just the day before. It was the first time I have ever spent the night away from Chrispy as well as a full day…but I knew he was in the best of hands with his Dada that wanted to do nothing more than snuggle his little man :)

After a quick trip to Indiana to see some family and attend an awesome wedding, we headed back to Ohio but first made a quick stop at an Amish food market that was so awesome!!! First of all, how are the Amish not fat after the kind of food they make? We left the market with cheeses and meats from the deli, spices, pies, jerky, and real homemade pickles. Might have to make an two hour trip out of my way to grab some more goodies one day.

We made it home just in time to do nothing for the rest of the day because everyone in the house was so tired. After ordering junk food in and watching cartoons all night, we all throw in the towel at 8:30… yep, we really know how to live it up :)

The hubby had some last minute errands to run at work so I spent the day with my Momma and Chrispy browsing the aisles at Ikea, they don't have one in South Carolina, and thought at one point we were going to have to buy a new suitcase for the plane for my Momma with all the stuff she wanted to buy. I know Momma, I know, I love Ikea too! I would love it more if the kids play area would've allowed little kids that aren't potty trained yet too but I guess only some miracles can happen. *Note to self, work on potty training!!!

After another day for play it was time for the Momma to head home and for the hubby, Chrispy, and I to get our week of family time before we had to let him go for a solid 6 months. :(

We took our time together very seriously and spent most it just playing games, eating, ready books, and lots of snuggles. Jay made sure to take his evening walks with Chrispy as usual but every time they headed out it was just a reminder what little things we were really going to be missing.

It seemed that the week came and went in a flash and before you know it I was driving hubby to the airport with a loaded down car full of military uniforms, equipment, and a baby. We managed to get to the airport at a respectful 2 hours before take off time and once the hubby and I had to be separated to go through TSA, Chrispy about lost his mind trying to get to the hubby, and I knew this was going to be hard.

We spent the next hours at the terminal, playing on the floor with Chrispy, talking about last minute details like travel plans and bills, and just reminding ourselves we could do this, we have before, and we are strong. It seems no matter how many times we say goodbye to each other it still never gets easier. We held each other in a circle of three as everyone else had boarded the plane and kissed each other goodbye and he walked away. The door closed behind him and I could barely catch my breath as tears went rolling down my face.

Chrispy looked at me with a big smile but concerned eyes and said, "Momma, okay" and wrapped his perfect arms around my neck and just hugged me tight as I walked out of the airport as fast as I could. The ride home was nothing but tears from Momma and Chrispy singing along with his DVD.

So far, every day is a challenge but we haven't had any extreme meltdowns just yet…I'm sure they will happen on really bad days. We are trying to keep ourselves super busy. It is honestly so nice to be a stay-at-home Momma now while hubby is deployed for the simple fact that I can devote all my time to Chrispy and his well being during this emotional time. I even have time for myself to go the gym, shopping, or pamper myself when needed. The hard part for me now is at night, after Chrispy has gone to bed and I'm left to entertain myself.

In the days leading up to his departure I kept praying for another day and another, but now I realize that there would never  have been enough time to make up for how much we miss him. 6 Months and counting down…

Happy Weekend Y'all!

28 Things About Me

Monday, September 22, 2014

I decided that I should do a "things about me" post since there is a lot about me people don't know, or some do, but it's still funny when you actually start listing randomness. I decided on the number 28 do to my age, yikes!!!, so without further ado….

28 Things About Me

1. I had my first scare with skin cancer at age 22, turns out I was lucky, but ever since I will not leave the house without lathering up with sunblock and all my makeup is SPF…."what's that delicious fragrance?…sunblock" :)

2. My favorite season's are Spring and Fall and I'm deciding that is because it's not too hot or too cold at those times.

3. I prefer brunch food for every meal.

4. I have a crazy fear of not getting enough sleep.

5. I nap almost every time Christian naps. See number 4.

6. I drink sugar in my first cup of coffee/tea but never after that.

7. I once killed at baby Coral snake when I was 13 at my sister's friend Eve's pool with her father's shovel while they stood on top of a table screaming…I still tell that story as if I were hunting a deer…heroic! ;)

8. I once ran into the back of a man's Mercedes when I first got my driver's licenses because I wasn't paying attention…the man told me not to worry about it and let me go without reporting it…my parents never found out,…until now ;)

9. Every time I pumped during the "year of breastfeeding" my hubby would start singing The Black Eyed Peas Pump It…Every.Time!!!

10. I have an irrational fear that Jaws will attack me in pools.

11. My favorite pie is Strawberry and I will go great distances to pick one up if located.

12. I was a vegetarian for 8 years of my life, one of which I was a complete vegan…I now can't have a meal without meat in it! Did someone say bacon?

13. I imagine heaven to be a bakery filled with delicious warm breads and desserts with butter and creams and you never gain weight…HEAVEN!

Heaven!!! Could you pass the butter please?

14. I have a crazy thing about Mayo and won't even touch the jar/bottle it is in without a napkin between my hand and it….totally gross!

15. I used to eat a whole dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts, in a sitting. 

16. Every time I turn on the shower I jump away in anticipation of the water, every time!

17. I once watched the same movie every day for a year, Under the Tuscan Sun.

18. I don't really like basketball…shh, don't tell my husband.

19. I've seen every single episode of I Love Lucy, Sex and the City, The Golden Girls, and Friends…I can quote most of it too.

20. I read all the books of Fifty Shade of Grey in a week…yikes

21. I am not impressed with the Twilight movies, in fact, who did the casting for that? 

22. I've always had this weird thing for Kevin Bacon and James Spader…Footloose and Pretty in Pink Era…

23. I've only really ever been afraid once in my life, the day my son was born.

24. I've only really ever felt complete the day my son was born.

25. I thought the Air Force Basic Military Training was super fun, like a summer workout vacation that you couldn't really smile or talk during.

26. I once threw up in front of a military gate guard after a night of drinking…wow, he let me through the gate.

27. I used to take twirling lessons…yep, it's a real thing.

28. I dream of owning my own boutique one day that sells home decor, nursery items, baby clothes, women clothes, and is attached to a french style bakery….dreams!

Fall Tots Favorites

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

OMG!!! Labor Day has finally come and gone and we are looking at Fall, that really couldn't get here fast enough! Once Labor Day is over it's time to pack up the swimsuits and bust out our scarfs and jeans, but the weather just doesn't seem to get the hint. With all the back to school sales going on I have been hitting up kids clothing pretty hard for Mr. Chrispy trying to grab him some essentials for the Fall/Winter. Have y'all been in H&M Kids and Baby department lately? They have the cutest little outfits for boys and girls and I just love the quality of the kids clothing. I've been dressing Mr. Chrispy in H&M since he was born and still stop there first when hunting for so new threads for him.

Anywhere else good to get good quality, affordable, and stylish clothing for your tots? More importantly, places that actually sell cute boys clothing too…since everyone seems to always have more girl clothes!!

Check it some cute little threads…..


I will admit, the little girls clothing makes me feel for a little moment that I might want to try for another baby, but it's shirts like the last the remind me that would be just crazy for me!!!

Have a Happy Tuesday Y'all! :)