Hello y'all, I'm Jillian. Mother to Christian Bennett and wife to Jeremiah. I come from the great state of South Carolina but left in a hurry to start my own adventure. First Texas, Mississippi, Utah, Turkey, and now Japan, yep, that's right, I married a man in uniform! We love the life we lead and couldn't think of a better way to spend our lives traveling the world. Let's start from the beginning :)

I married this guy!

We moved to Turkey.

We moved to Japan.

We got knocked up!!!

Found that being parents is the most amazing and rewarding feeling ever!!!

A few things to know about me:

1. I love design, food, crafting, sewing, building, party making, and pretty much anything that you can name....I also love to DIY!

2. I am obsessed with nail polish and tend to change my colors out every couple of days.

3. I can eat a whole pie by myself if left alone with one :) 

4. I try to run everyday in order to keep the weight off from my bad eating habits. (Note #3 if you don't understand)

5. My favorite movie of all time is Sound of Music, and Fletch. ( I know, I'm weird)

6. I watched the movie Under the Tuscan Sun once a day for a whole year.

7. I love candy corn, so when Fall hits, I pretty much buy out the stores, and than by January I need a deep cleaning from the dentist.

8. I can't whistle...never been able to :(  (I consider this a handicap)

9. Green is my favorite color and fried bologna sandwiches are underrated! 

There is really too much to name that could describe me......to be continued =)

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