1 Week Without Him

Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy Friday y'all! So, this week was the first in a long time that the hubby  has been away from us but I guess we will have to trudge on because he is getting ready to deploy. Yep, the man of the house is leaving us to serve a greater good and so far, it has really really sucked!!! It's not that we haven't done this before, we have plenty "away from each other time" under our belts, but this time around, we have a toddler who just turned 2 and believes the sun falls and rises to his Dada's command.

It does really break my heart more now to see Chrispy suffering because of the lifestyle we have chosen but I feel with time, and lots of Skype we will make it through it. And of course lots and lots of wine for Momma…because I feel like crying every 5 seconds or when someone puts there hand on my arm to tell me how sorry they are for me….yep, epically the worst move to make on a girl who is trying to hold it all together.

The first week, of course, our dryer's element burns out so we were faced with ordering the part, no one had in stock locally, and dragging baskets of wet clean laundry to the laundry mat to do some drying. Have you ever been to a laundry mat with a toddler? Not cool….no cool at all! Thank God for the UPS guy that showed up right after I got home from the laundry mat with the part…bless you good Sir!!

I also attached Chrispy's bike seat finally to my bike, only took the whole summer to do it :), and while trying to get a lug nut free I managed to give myself a really good pinch. Don't worry, it only hurt really bad for 2 days :(

At least the one thing that you just don't feel too bad about when the man is away is your diet. Normally I'm very good of everything I eat, down the calorie, but with the first week I'm usually off by a lot and just trying to coop with the feelings of being so alone and so responsible. So this amazing place called Piada, and Italian style street market, has become my best friend. It's really bad when you walk in and they know what your going to order, and every time I'm guilty of the same thing, the Calamari Salad!!! OMG…and Shut the Front Door is it good! Chrispy usually get the spaghetti which is also really good too.

We also have been "touring" many bakery areas for something sweet at night after we polish off whatever I haven't cooked all week…I'll be honest, we went home with that chocolate cake Chrispy has his paws on. Good choice son, good choice ;)

Many, many, and many walks have been taking place to fill our time in the evenings. Though I had Chrispy all day normally, evenings were always the hubby's detail. He would entertain Chrispy while I finished up dinner, go on little walks just them two (both wearing their baseball caps), and usually playing some kind of wrestling game upstairs on the bed, plus he also covered bath and pj's. So lots to fill in on my own now, a real full time job.

I also had Chrispy's 2 year Wellness check up and he is growing perfectly, very smart, but is having a little sore throat and runny nose right now. We also had to have blood drawn for the first time since it wasn't done previously to check for things like lead….could have died when they stuck the needle in my baby's vein..the man apologized like a million times to me but I still wanted to take him out. :( On top of it, sleep is like not a option right now with him being sick and we I am weaning him from his pacifier :(

 We have visited Chick-fil-a so many times this week alone I think the manager knows us by sight and even called little man Chrispy…wow, this girl really needs to start cooking again. We are going for the play area so he can play and make some friends while Momma gets to just sit and breath quietly in my own "special space" as I've started called it.

And of course, this is the saddest, though we still communicate through phone and Skype, it breaks my heart every time to watch them. I feel so awful, knowing how much they miss each other. I just keep telling him everyday that Dada is working and everyday he continues to ask for him. That is really what is so hard about deployments with kids, they miss their parent so much and you are trying your best to fill up as much of that longing as you can, it is a very hard job.

(Do not judge my dirty carpet! Carpet cleaning tonight….it rained and the dogs ran through the living room with mud. Go me!)

Hope everyone else is having a better week than me! How did you get through your long deployments with toddlers? Have a happy weekend y'all! :)

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