Things to Do

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My little man is getting so of today, he is a year and a half and I look at him and can't even remember where the time has gone. Yes, I know everyone tells us how fast they grow and before you know it, you will packing them up for college and moving them out of the house. Really? :(

Chrispy is a busy little man. His days are non-stop, except for the little break from Chrispy's natural disasters during nap time. There are times I have to grab him and give a good squeeze and hug, and then he is off again. It's obviously not the same as those newborn months we first had, but it is so much fun. His personality is really starting to come out and what I know of him now is that is a wild child, super funny, and loves animals.

It's amazing looking at old videos and photos of him and to think, he has things to do now. His only job used to be to eat and grow, and now, it's to rearrange all of his toys (and living room), climb all the ledges he can, run down all the hallways back and forth laughing until someone catches him, and to be a happy little boy.

I'll admit that my happy points in the day, being selfish that is, are the nap times. Not because he is going to be giving Mommy a little break that ends up usually turning into clean up time or how much time do I have to do a quick work out video, but because that is the time he is still and calm and lets me wrap my arms around him and snuggle his body into mine. That is when he doesn't have anything to do but be loved.

I know he will soon never want me to hug him or kiss in public, but for now, in this brief period of time, he is my little man to love and cherish. He is my thing to do everyday, my accomplishment.

Happy Wednesday Y'all!

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