St. Patty's Day!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

 Happy St. Patty's day! I hope everyone is eating delicious Irish classics today like corn beef and cabbage…oh wait, that's an American thing! But you know what I mean or at least drinking some yummy Guinness! Good for you. I wish our day was going as great as the people that will spend their whole day partying and drinking. Looks like Mr. Chrispy's molars are just taking there sweet time torturing my poor baby. Fever, runny nose, and the crying…the crying, IT NEVER ENDS! I just feel so bad for him.

Looking back a year ago, this was my sweet little man….I had to push him up into a sitting position and hold him there just before the hubs took the picture since he was too little to sit up :( How time can fly! He really is just such a jolly guy :)

And today, poor guy battling getting older and feeling the growing pains of it all. We really tried to make this a much cuter photo but he just wasn't feeling it…so laying down was in order and we were happy with that. No big smile, but if I were cutting teeth I wouldn't be smiling either. 

It's okay, there will be plenty of more days to celebrate and you will feel better my love. Mommy will have a Guinness for you too, since your not old enough and all ;) Maybe I'll even rub your poor gums with some…or some Irish Whisky might be just what the doctor ordered. Love you my sweet little man!

Hope everyone has a great St. Patty's Day and remember not to drink and drive, or at least have enough cash to grab a cab home! :) Cheers!

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