Weekend Recap

Monday, March 10, 2014

It actually didn't snow, hail, or rain this weekend in Ohio! I know, who knew they actually could have decent weather here? :) On the weekends, we really try to make the most of our time together as a family as well as time for the hubby and I to go out on our own to do things for ourself. Like on Saturdays I will let him sleep in while I get the babe up and eating breakfast. You can sleep as long as you want until lunch time…than get your butt up dear! After we eat lunch and do something like painting or going to a jungle jump and Mr. Chrispy is ready for his nap, I go out and do something for myself, like get a pedicure or go to Target. Sunday is vice versus or depending on what we have scheduled for the weekend. It has allow us to still spend time together but remember ourselves as well, after all, he works hard as a provider, hubby, and Dada while I work hard as a homemaker, wifey, and a Momma….are hands are always full…but totally worth it.

This weekend included some well needed time together with hubby finishing up his Master's degree and me trying to get my bearings of people, places, and things in this new area of ours, we have been super busy.

Jump & Jacks, this awesome indoor playground was right up there on the list of places to go. We have been finding ourselves there every weekend now and love it. Chrispy has a blast while he is here and is surrounded by tons of other kids playing, climbing, and sliding. It is sure to make it on our list of places to go at least twice a month.

After lunch somewhere, this time it was Cracker Barrel (because we love country cooking), Dada treated his little man with a new toy from the store…lucky boy. After a quick ride back home, little man goes down for a nap and all the things he isn't allowed to get his hands on comes out. I update my wreath for the front door with a new wood monogram sign and some turquoise paint while at the same time, sugar is now allowed out of the pantry with no baby in sight….he is good at getting food away from me!

After naps, its usually time to play outside, RUN KID RUN, or sit in my chair and steal my water….like you always do.  After a few laps around the block, Chrispy is usually letting me know at the top of his lungs that it's time to eat….and crying about it, and falling to the ground having a full blown tantrum about it as well :( So its usually something easy but yummy, this time it's Shepard's Pie.

After a few more hugs, cleaning the kitchen, a movie or two, it's off for bath time. Getting this kid ready for bed now is so much easier than when he was just turning one….it feels like he looks forward to bedtime now.

After Mr. Chrispy is tucked in and asleep, we usually fall to the couch as if we ran a marathon and need a long vacation. As my husband usually retreats to something like watching or movie or lying like he is dead on the couch from exhaustion, I head for more productive activities…like wine drinking…it's this awesome sport and I'm a complete pro at it ;) Just another random glimpse into our lives.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a good week ahead, even if daylight savings sucks butt! :)

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