Brotherly Love

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

As many of our friends and family know, we love our dogs. They were our first babies together and will always have part of our heart. The day I found out I was pregnant to the day I gave birth I had so many people ask me if were going to "get rid" of our dogs. This question always made me so upset. Yes, I know some animals can be scary around children and some just aren't "kid friendly" animals, but these were our babies! It was like asking me if we had another kid if we were getting rid of him in replacement of the next baby. Really? This is actually an extremely offensive subject to most pet owners. Now, let me get off my soap box.

The week after finding out we were knocked up we started some serious training to get the boys ready for their new sibling. After all, they needed to be the best big brothers ever. After lots of discipline and corrections, they are Chrispy's best friends. They watch over him and protect him from everything....and he supply's them with an endless menu of food (he drops it off from his high chair).

For example, this is just one morning of Chrispy and Titus hanging out on the couch after breakfast. They were watching cartoons and doing some snuggling. Can't you see how vicious Titus is?! ;) They love each other. At one point Christian was even laying on him and Titus was licking his hair. Precious.

We have always kept a close eye on Chrispy with the boys. We teach him how to pet the boys and to be gentle. Chrispy has never been alone with the dogs once where he could touch them. This is not because we don't trust our animals, but we always want to be safe than sorry. 

On a different note, I cooked a bacon wrapped pork tenderloin and it was pretty amazing. I have decided also that I am going to try a cleanse known as the GM Diet. It should last about 7 days. I will be sure to post as I go about how it is working for me.

And now I leave you with this delicious picture of bacon (pork) and pork......

Yummy! Have a Happy Day Y'all!

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