Friday, October 11, 2013

So, the other day a good friend of mine, Deborah, and I were walking around our local BX, looking for goodies and things we don't really need, you know, shopping :) She kept commenting on how she hated the fact they didn't carry nail polish remover pads and she wanted to make some of her own. Genius! These are so easy to make and will be great when you are ready to swap in that old polish for the new.

You need bottom round pads, nail polish remover, and a container that has a tight lid to secure liquid. I  used this glass jar that came with a screw on top that  I bought at the Diaso, which is a Japanese store equivalent our dollar stores.

1.  Stack appropriate amount of pads up to the top of container.
2. Pour nail polisher over pads.
3. Screw top on to container.

If you are like me, you tend for forget what is in your containers so I have to label mine, and so my hubby doesn't mistake whats in it either. I bought these amazing chalkboard labels on and love them! Great for pantry's and anything you want to label really.

Happy Friday Y'all!

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