Tuesday, October 8, 2013

There is time in every child's life that they are no longer that sweet innocent little babe that needs to be swaddled and rocked to sleep every night. They no longer need you to feed them, at least not directly, but still prepare my meals please :) And of course, the time they no longer need you to go down the slide with them at the park, omg...rip my heart out why don't cha!, and they are fully capable of riding down like the cool kids. I knew my baby was getting older but it really doesn't hit you until something so simple smacks you in the face.

This morning after breakfast, Chrispy and I headed over to the park to play in our pj's until we had to get ready for a lunch date that I just could not break with two of my best girl's and their babes. We were doing good, climbing, jumping on things, picking up weird nut things from the trees and putting them in our mouths, well, that was more Chrispy :), until slide time came. I was all geared up on the bottom of steps and Chrispy was already crawling up them, as I was about to climb up to become his "cushion" for the ride, he went without me, totally intentional. I was left hanging by my 14 month old at the top of the slide, all by myself (que music by Celine Dion) and Chrispy at the bottom laughing his buns off. I came down and met my little man and suddenly realized he didn't need me anymore to go down the slide.

I got really sad and teary eyed and almost lost my marbles right there in the kid park, like a three year old. Ugly cry is what I usually call it but it  was more just unattractive today. It's time, I need to let go. He will need me forever and will always love me but the last thing I want to take away his fun. I never want to be a "helicopter" mom. I want my child to live the way I did, discovering the world and making his own opinion, not what I've told him to think. I will always protect and love him.

I told my hubby of this great new thing Chrispy was doing earlier in the day and when he got home from work tonight he was so excited to see the "new trick" that he immediately put Chrispy's shoes on and they were off to the park.

He lead the way to the park, so proud of his awesome walking skills.

No pictures please!! Such a stinker :)

So proud of you little mister!!

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